Friday, July 2, 2010

No a la Barrick Gold

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

El fin de la espera.

Por fin, con mas de 10 años esperando, unos de mis deseos se ha cumplido (y quizas tambien el de muchos). Este anuncio hecho en GDC 2010 me ha llenado de alegria, quiza pueda revivir momentos muy agradables y se que traera momentos nuevos para mi. Por derecho natural me corresponde nuevamente entrar a este mundo donde los campeones abundan y los mediocres sobran. Nunca perdi de la fe de que mi deseo y el de muchos llegara a hacerse verdad despues de tantos engaños sobre que esto sucederia. Ahorra que es una realidad solo resta esperar su llegada. Ya he empezado a prepararme para el momento.

Te espero con los brazos abiertos y con los controles en las manos: MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3: FATE OF TWO WORLDS

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I feel my blood boil
I feel my spine coil
My hair is ripping
My mind is tripping

I am a monster
Can I come over?
Some kind of demon
To get you screaming

Werewolf, baby is all she really said
The moon went up and I went out of my head

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling
She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

I am the right one
When the night come
A lonely hunter
You're falling under
That wicked feeling
Start believing
You are afflicted
By what the fangs did

Werewolf, baby is all she really said
The moon went up and I went out of my head

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling
She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

Even a pure man
Deep in his heart can
Turn to insane
From the wolfsbane

I am a monster
Can I come over?
Some kind of demon
To get you screaming

Werewolf, baby is all she really said
The moon went up and I went out of my head
Werewolf, baby brings her to her knees
Man to wolf is what she really needs

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling
She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

Monday, February 1, 2010


Como les dije, ya vine con el primer post.. algo rapido!

Believe in God.
Believe in yourself and that you can do anything.
Trust even if betrayed, trust.
Be happy and smile!
And don't say NO.

-Follow this rules.. and youu will have a great life!


Happy New Year!

Disculpen que no hemos posteado nada ultimamente... estabamos entretenidos con otras cosas segun parece.. pero ya estamos de vuelta!

El internet ya no esta lento!! wohoo!

Y para remendar... tengo velocidad uff.. jevisima!! ya sabran algunos que lo que.. para que no nos quejemos!

Ultimamente le estamos dando a borderlands, having fun, this new year will be a rocking year!

So preparense, que le tendremos par de sorpresas en el blog!

Ya que tenemos nuevas metas!

Thumbs up soldier!

PS: Complevivencia 2010 ROCKS! (motivo por el cual yo no habia escrito)
Gracias Dios!